Sport Relief Week 14-19th March 2016
Please help us next week to raise money for The Sport Relief Appeal 2016.
We will be collecting money in our buckets next week whilst the children and staff get sporty. The children and staff will be dressing up in their sports gear and taking part in lots of activities throughout the week.
Appeal day Friday 18th March. Staff will be cycling on an exercise bike and bouncing on the trampolines all day long at each of our nurseries.
Sponsored Walk – Saturday 19th March
Sponsor Forms have now been handed out for the Sponsored Walk. Please return all sponsor forms and money raised by Monday 21st March.
Stafford – Meet at 10.30am for 10.45am start at Stafford Castle.
Norton – Meet at 10.15am for 10.30am at Marquis Drive, Cannock Chase.
Telford – Meet at nursery 10.15am to walk to Apley Woods and Duck pond.
Please join us on the Sponsored Walk. We welcome everyone in the family to come along and help us raise money for Sport Relief.