Foxes children at Stafford made kites today and had lots of fun flying them out in the garden.
Volcano Fun
Children at Norton have been learning about dinosaurs this week, they watched with anticipation as the volcano erupted.
- Lets see what happens!
- Volcano eruption! Wow!
Easter Bonnet Parade
We had great fun today making and showing off our Bonnets!!
The great Red Nose walk!
Red Nose Day Fun
Thanks to all the Children who made Red Nose day very special, there was lots going on and we have already raised over £300!! We will keep you updated on the total we have raised next week.
Super Handwashing Day
Healthy Body, Happy Me Week
World Book Day
Red Nose Day – Sponsored Walks – Sat 9th March
Come and join us on Saturday on a sponsored walk to raise money for this years Red Nose Day Appeal. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, details are displayed on all notice boards at nursery. Please return all sponsor monies and forms as soon as possible and we will keep you updated on the amount that we raise!
World Book Day on Thursday
Thursday 7th March – The biggest annual celebration of books in the UK. Children have been issued with a £1.00 Book Token which can be exchanged for one of eight specially published World Book Day £1 Books or are redeemable against any book or audio book costing £2.99 or more at a participating bookshop or book clubs.We are also encouraging all children to bring their favourite story book in aid of world book day and dress up as their favourite book character.