
Christmas Time

We would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and Thank you for your continued support this year. We will be closing for the holidays on Christmas Eve and look forward to seeing you all again Wednesday 2nd January 2013!


Fundraising Results

We are pleased to announce the totals for Children In need and our Christmas Fayre’s.

Children In Need: £2033.19

Christmas Fayre’s: £376.00

The Money raised at our Fayre’s will go to the local Childrens Hospice.  Thank you to everyone who helped including the Children, Satff, Parent’s & Manager’s


Honeybuns get Platinum Award!

Congratulations to Steph at Stafford for achieving the Platinum Award for Nurturing health Award. Steph went along to meet the Mayor at the Mayoral Chambers last night to receive the award.


The big sleep over

Well done to the girls at Stafford for doing their sleep over to raise money for Children In Need, The girls had a great night but not much sleep!!




Platinum Award for Stafford Nursery!

We are really proud to announce Stephanie our Manager at Stafford has won the Platinum Award for Nurturing Health. This award  has been given for outstanding commitment and contribution to making a difference at our Nursery. Well done Stephanie and the team at Stafford who will be receiving their award from the Mayor of Stafford on 4th December.